Other people's victories pave the way to our own victories.
By Sara Hageman
I very rarely share from my journal or my night dream life, but I have felt it important for the time we are in. Our gracious Lauren is allowing me to use two
By Morgan Funke
The dissonance in this season is unparalleled. God is moving powerfully AND the needs of humanity are skyrocketing.
By Lauren Hasson
“It’s my golden!” she laughed. I knew all too well what she meant by this. Two years ago she shared this “celebration revelation”
By Lauren Hasson
This past week Holy Spirit gave me a word that was beautifully for all of us. As we are going through this
By Gayelee Reynolds
The news hit, the pandemic had now entered America. The swirling began as fear was released into the atmosphere at catalytic
By Denise Gitsham Jones
Ever since our last attempt at IVF failed, my husband and I have been engaged in part two of who-knows-how-many-parts
By Michelle Shoemaker
Anyone else feel like they’ve been cleaning up a ton of dishes and glasses lately!? My kitchen has never
By Lauren Hasson
Realizing our emotions can be fluid in this time is one of our first steps into emotional understanding and health. How we process them, is the
By Nikki Romani
hree years ago, I asked God, “How can I reach more people and share with them about the Holy Spirit?” That’s when He told me…
By Lauren Hasson
How are we encountered in His love in the middle of uncertainty right now? In my time with the Father, I had some decisions that were both significant and
By Denise Gitsham
I’ve hated the Proverbs 31 woman for most of my life. Reading about her made me feel utterly inadequate; in my mind, she was…
By Lauren Hasson
I am undone by the raw beauty of Jesus releasing His love and freedom over us this week. It was a deep gift to my heart, seeing Him activate us into…
By Genea Horner
“I heard God speak to me for the first time in my life!”
“I witnessed someone’s physical healing!
By Lauren Hasson
I was nestled into a petite sofa with two powerhouse women. They had been sharing their testimonies of conquering the world, one bringing healing and justice to those
By Nicole Are
Our family began 2019 with the word “CELEBRATE” as we ride the wave of the Kairos season. We transitioned from Bethel, Redding and the Holy Spirit filled glory cloud
By Lauren Hasson
Opening night was only a few hours away. I could feel the adrenaline rush starting to course through my body. Soon all the hard work from the cast and crew would…
By Lauren Hasson
My heart was pounding through my chest. I was oblivious to the people around me, crammed together at the alter call. My eyes were closed with hands held up…
By Karen Hullfish
I was standing next to a tiny teenage girl posing for a selfie on top of a plateau, overlooking the
By Lauren Hasson
Our nations ancestors survived in a new land. The losses were great. The cost more than they could have imagined. They came to the Americas
By Marisha Apodaca
I came to the meeting expecting to learn about a healing model or some formula for healing people. Instead…
By Liza Frampton
Our Livestream’s retreat at the Bethel Leaders Conference shifted many things on and in me.
By Liza Frampton
How do you keep going when you feel like you can’t move anymore?
Is it possible to experience joy when you feel angry, disappointed and confused?
And how do you hang onto hope when every circumstance appears hopeless?
By Morgan Funke
At Lifestreams this month I had a vision as Lauren was talking about our dreams being like “seeds.” I looked down and saw that there were two seeds in my hand. Then, God asked me to surrender them, and
By Michelle Harris
There is a sound I love to hear, it’s the sound of the Savior’s robe as He walks into the room where people pray. Where we hear praises, He hears faith.
By Lauren Hasson
Your supernatural seeds of destiny. They are given only to you. Purposed in the heart of the Father since before the foundations of the world. Can you see them?
By Manna Ko
You might have heard of the Netflix phenomenon, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” that’s been taking the country by storm lately.
Marie is an organizational consultant, and ….
By Sara Hageman
A few weeks after the NFL’s season ended, I was “sad” because football season is my favorite time of the year on television (my dad taught me all about football when I was a very …
By Lauren Hasson
What a great day we had on Tuesday, reuniting friends and meeting new members. You can feel new things taking shape for this “now time” in San Diego. Together, all of us are going to take new ground we have only dreamt of.
So many great new opportunities....
By Lisa Hamilton
Seeing her walk away into her new life, knowing that from this moment forward nothing would ever be the same, was a bittersweet memory of the …
By Manna Ko
“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.” Robert H. Schulle
Inside each of you are seeds of greatness and ….
By Karen Crommett
One early morning, the Lord had me get up to worship at 5:00 a.m. As it was still the dark watch of the night, the man leading worship commented on how all of us must be
By Leesa Davis
I was raised in a beautiful loving household that did not believe in God or that Jesus was the Savior and I had no concept of the Holy Spirit. Beginning with my grandma….
By Lauren Hasson
“I won’t be going on to Spain for the pilgrimage.” Jean shared. I was so surprised by this news, as Jean Silverwood and her son Jack had planned out the walking pilgrimage, El Camino de Santiago
By Sue Stein
I sent my son Chris on the last Jesus Culture mission trip to Tecate. When he returned from Tecate, he was on fire! And I believe it contributed to changing the trajectory of his path. I thought that was enough for me…
by Ivett Garcia
This trip to Romania was my second missions experience with Lifestreams, and both have been life-changing for me. On the second day of our time in Romania, our team went on…
By Michelle Harris
There are a thousand experiences and thoughts I could share regarding my trip to the Mission, “Misiunea” in Sighisoara Romania. First, I was pleasantly surprised by …

“[A] miracle only happens when you open yourself up and say YES to God. You know what he’s asking you to do and you step out boldly and say YES! ”