by Lauren Hasson
She was slender and tall. I can’t begin to tell you her eye color, facial features, even what color her hair was. Her name is unknown to me.
by Lauren Hasson
She was slender and tall. I can’t begin to tell you her eye color, facial features, even what color her hair was. Her name is unknown to me.
By Lauren Hasson
A large, cathedral dome was washed in a clear, emerald green light. Sitting in a chair looking up at the ceiling, I held the tender hand of my mother’s in mine. We spent some time in silence, looking at the beauty of the architecture highlighted in this majestic…
By Lauren Hasson
I wasn’t sure how much longer I could continue. Each day had its own stark reality. The lies were unrelenting and penetrating, each opening up wounds that were festering with infection.
By Lauren Hasson
There are some things in life that make me come alive.... adventure, trying something new, hiking beautiful terrain, great conversations, and water.
By Lauren Hasson
There was a lot to prove, tons to hope for, and a dream that was finallyunfolding. All we knew was that we had the green light to go and go we went!
By Lauren Hasson
Walking along the banks of the Napa River, I came across an unexpected sight. Rows and rows of extraordinary wood boxes teeming with vegetables of every sort in what I discovered …
By Lauren Hasson
It all started with a request.
“Mom, I would just love to be with my entire family before I start my job in June. Wouldn’t it be great to have your toes in the sand, relaxing, playing with Elias? Picture it!”
By Katrin Lotze
The other morning I was in my bathroom getting ready for the day when I heard my two year old daughter Tehillah’s frustrated cries coming from my closet. Not wanting to be seen, I peeked around the corner curious as to what her cause of irritation was.
By Renee DiToro
A few months ago in my quiet time the Lord showed me that we were going to have breakthrough into new realms and this coming Jewish new year was going to be significant. He told me that he was going to …
By Lauren Hasson
I love to picture myself in a story. Reading about Jesus and his disciples, I picture what life would have been like two thousand years ago. My imagination sees the people pressing in for a miracle …
By Lauren Hasson
Looking at the tops of majestic pines, I take in the world below me. A thick dusting of snow covers the branches, catching rays of light that makes the virgin snow sparkle. Serene …
By Lauren Hasson
Awards shows are the time when the world’s eyes are on a chosen group of A-list celebrities. “What will she be wearing?” “Wasn’t she phenomenal in that role?” “Who’s she with?”
By Lauren Hasson
Shanna and I pulled out our BFF’s Guide to Summer Fun, deciding to plunge into some out-of-our-box ideas! Sunday afternoon we were off exploring on a date to Little Italy. Dressing to impress …
By Jill Wyckoff
Ours was a dream 43 years in the making...It was the summer of 74 and I had just gotten back from a three week trip to the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado--a far cry from the tame surroundings of my New England landscape.
Ella DiCastro Baron
Ring Ring Riiiiiing! It's that time of year when those of us with school-aged children are starting a new year of learning.
Ella DiCastro Baron
What a Summer! Even if many of us have to work full-time while everyone else seems to be sand-castling, volleyballing, and boogie boarding along ....
Ella DiCastro Baron
A newer friend offered his condo to our family as he traveled to South Africa. All we had to do was get ourselves up there.
Ella DiCastro Baron
The 2016 Summer Olympics have begun in Rio! I have many fond memories growing up, hunkered in front of the TV with all my cousins as we watched the Summer Olympics...
Ella DiCastro Baron
There are some books, stories, even single poems we read that we hold on to for the memorable language, characters, nostalgia...
Ella DiCastro Baron
Last week, I had the honor of interceding for leaders on college campuses who want to love students with Jesus’ fullness