Standing on Aimee’s Ground

Standing on Aimee’s Ground

By Lauren Hasson


A large, cathedral dome was washed in a clear, emerald green light.  Sitting in a chair looking up at the ceiling, I held the tender hand of my mother’s in mine.  We spent some time in silence, looking at the beauty of the architecture highlighted in this majestic green.  “You know mom, the throne of heaven is surrounded by this same color?”  I could feel heaven closing in around us as I held her hand.  I tried to not think of the day she will be enjoying this view from His throne room. For now, we both basked in the glow of His love.


There was something spectacular about this place.  I felt it keenly from the moment I arrived.  Was it the majesty of the huge stain glass windows, the grandeur of design, the balconies for those waiting to hear more?  I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt what can only be described as almost an energy, a vibration going through my body.  


The answer started to seep into my consciousness..... it was the history of the building.  It was all that had happened here through nearly one hundred years of people worshipping, being healed, having encounters with the living God.


And it all started with one remarkable woman, Aimee Semple McPherson.


After crisscrossing America, setting up tents all across the country and then filling them to capacity with those that were hungry to experience the presence and power of God, Aimee Semple McPherson found her home in Los Angeles.  In 1923, a widowed and divorced woman preacher raised $300,000 to build the Angelus Temple.  From this location, she changed the culture of California.  Her passion was, simply put, Jesus.  She did the works Jesus did, healing the sick, feeding the poor, preaching the good news!


I was feeling God’s blessing of a city through Aimee.  I was standing on her inheritance.


“Preach the word!” One of my favorite scriptures.  As I began preaching the freedom of Christ in Angelus Temple, I couldn’t help but feel the anointing, the power that Aimee had soaked into the literal ground I was standing on.  God says He blesses the land of believers, that He is longing for us to “take possession” of it. (Deut. 11:8-14)  He also talks about giving us a land that the Lord our God cares for.


Speaking at the Modern Prophets Conference, I saw the fullness of what God wanted to accomplish through so many different circumstances.  There was the power of the building itself through Aimee’s dedication to God.  Then as I was releasing God’s word, I looked out into the audience, seeing many members of Lifestreams there to agree with me for God to move.  Members of the PIT Crew of prayer were there led by Amy Stoehr in deep intercession.  The Prophet Company led by Sara Hageman was at the ready to minster, my beautiful mom and sister were in the front row.  I was literally surrounded by His goodness.


In that instant, I saw that God was honoring the past, but He was also honoring the present.  He was honoring my mother, having her see her dreams come true for the promises she has held in her heart for her daughter. He was honoring the PIT Crew, the Prophetic Team, the people of Los Angeles.  He was honoring Shawn and Cherie and the call on their lives to make the voice of God accessible to all.  He was honoring me, and the promises He has spoken over me.


He was honoring us.


Aimee understood the power and beauty of people coming together to love a city well.  Now, we are taking her mantle, to release truth, freedom, justice, love, safety, family over San Diego.  We are choosing to find innovative and creative ways to care for a wide variety of people who will not know the love of Jesus apart from us.  We are looking for His creative expression through each one of us, soaking the ground in His goodness.


It started with the emerald green glow of heaven and my mother’s hand in mine.  It finished as the altar call was given, and I looked to my left and my right, seeing the army of God that has been created to minister to the needs of the people.  Witnessing the Lifestreams Army prepared and ready to go, standing in the trenches with me as we released God’s love and truth over others, let me know that Aimee Semple McPherson’s legacy is securely passing on to our generation for our city.


We are the army.

We are prepared.

We have been made ready.


What assignment is next?


Ask me[a] to give you the nations and I will do it,
    and they shall become your legacy.
    Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth.

                                                Psalm 2:8