Fast Negativity, Feast on Truth!


Fast Negativity, Feast on Truth!

By Allene Whyte

I was so skeptical when I heard about the opportunity to “fast negativity” with Steve and Wendy Backlund for the first time five years ago.  Is that even possible? I wouldn’t consider myself a generally negative person, but I was curious... I knew about the power of our words. God, who created the universe by speaking it into existence, made us in His image and gave our words power to create life and death.  I wanted to walk out this truth in a greater way, and so I gave it a try.

As I began to focus on my statements, responses, and conversations, I caught myself in many more negative moments than I expected.  Sometimes in mid-sentence I would stop, apologize and turn it around into a positive wording. As I practiced, the habit began to form and I noticed improvement, but something even more miraculous was happening:  I began to take my thoughts captive. I didn’t realize how powerful it was to speak life and truth, not just to refrain from speaking negativity. As my declaration of the truth of His Word came out, it became like a spotlight on the negative thought - the lie - that I was agreeing with in my mind. The power of His Word is so transforming that, as we speak it out, even if it is by faith, it goes back in to our hearts and minds and reminds us ...  “Ohhh, that’s right! I DO believe that!” It reminded me of the truths that I want to partner with, build my moments and my days on, and ultimately believe so deeply that they bear the fruit that I want to see in my life! It was absolutely amazing to realize that the fast was simply a starting point that created space for me to fill my thoughts and words with truth rather than the subtle lies of the enemy.

What could happen if you gave God 40 days to renew your mind to think more like Him? Rather than fasting food for Lent, we choose to fast what is really holding most of us back from thriving in life – negative beliefs and lies from the enemy. Join us for 40 days of radical transformation as we let go of lies and instead feast on God’s Truth, becoming “transformed by the renewing of our minds” (Romans 12:2). During the fast, we will focus on four key areas of beliefs: beliefs about yourself, beliefs about circumstances, beliefs about God, and beliefs about others.