My heart is bursting with the heavenly potential of 2015 and 2016. In the midst of the worldwide upheaval of Islamic terror, political confusion, racial tension, and the great moral slide in America we believe that the color line can be washed away in the blood of Jesus and the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit could be unleashed as it was at Azusa Street in 1906. We are believing for stadium Christianity where so many will be saved and touched by the power of God as it was in 1963 where Billy Graham preached to one hundred and forty thousand, in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
It is precisely in this stadium that we are dreaming that TheCall could be held on April 9th 2016, on the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the Azusa Street Outpouring. Can you believe with us that denominations will unite, that the races could come together, that God could make us one, as the antidote to the terrific division in our day? Could you believe with us for stadium Christianity where signs and wonders are breaking out and mass evangelism explodes across our country- the Third Great Awakening?
Sixteen years ago, I asked the Lord, “How can I be apart of turning America back to God?” Out of that prayer, TheCall was born. I don’t believe that God will fasten our soul to a dead end vision. I stand in awe of the God who has been faithful to His promises. He will come to us like the rain. Though darkness covers the earth, the Glory of the Lord rises upon us. I pray your heart burns with this faith. Can a nation be saved? I still believe!
Thank you for how you have supported us over the years. Will you pray for us and will you consider giving an explosive gift to launch what we believe is this historic initiative?
Thank you from all of us at TheCall,
Lou Engle
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Lou Engle
Lou Engle is a revivalist, visionary and co-founder of TheCall solemn assemblies.
For more than three decades, Lou's passion has been to call believers into radical consecration through prayer, fasting, and acts of justice. Lou has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements and strategic houses of prayer. He is the founder of the prolife ministry Bound 4 Life and has inspired other justice movements.
Lou resides in Pasadena, California, where he is a part of the leadership team at the Pasadena International House of Prayer. He recently launched the Spiritual Air Force Academy with a mandate to train and deploy teams across the world for breakthrough intercession in partnership with missions.
Lou and his wife, Therese, have been married 34 years. They have seven children.